One (1) Day Introduction to Paragliding
A one day introduction lesson is my recommendation for anyone who would like to get a feel for paragliding. We go to Emigrant Lake Training Hill and take multiple flights to learn the basics. This day is designed to give you lots of airtime to see if paragliding is a fit for you. Lessons are 4 hours long and any money spent on a one day lesson can apply towards your P-2 course for up to one year.
Two (2) Day Introduction to Paragliding
A two (2) day introduction lesson is my recommendation for anyone who would like to get a feel for paragliding. We go to Emigrant Lake Training Hill and take multiple flights to learn the basics. These two days are designed to give you lots of airtime to see if paragliding is a fit for you. Lessons are 4 hours long and any money spent on a one day lesson can apply towards your P-2 course for up to one year.
P-2 Certification
(w/purchase of gear from AirXpansion)
This is the course you will learn to fly on your own. We go to three (3) different training fly sites in the course of 10-14 days.
Here you will learn to launch, fly, and land a paraglider. We will cover meteorology, aerodynamics, thermalling techniques and much more.
With this certification you can begin your journey of paragliding, flying at many gliding sites across the country on your own or with instructor.
*Must be 18 years or older*
Come stay in beautiful Mount Shasta California! Bring the family and explore the area. Airxpansion will work with you to locate a place to stay while you complete your trainings.
Hundreds of Happy Pilots
“This business operates under special use permit with the Klamath National Forest.
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